As a collaborative team of aquatics professionals, we understand that all children learn differently, at their own pace and in their own way. Our progressive levels are another tool that set Little Fins Swim School apart in the industry and from other swim programs. Instead of a linear level passing system (Level 1, then Level 2, then Level 3), we work with children at their pace, and provide them consistent means to accomplish skills and earn recognition.
Bubble Levels
6 months - 4 years old
Starfish: Water Safe
“I am learning to be water safe!”
We as parents NEVER take our eyes off our children in the pool. Students that have accomplished STARFISH goals are able to float on their back independently. If this child were to fall or jump into any body of water he/she would be able to come up and float safely on his/her back. This is the infant survival stance. Parents need to be close by to assist this child to the edge of the pool as this level of training does not include rolling to tummy and swimming to the side of the pool.
STARFISH (Water Safe)
Floating for 5 minutes
Humpty Dumpty with recovery
Fall/Toss/Jump in and recovery
Flip and Recovery
Diving (assisted) to 4.5 feet with unassisted recovery
Streamline (assisted), grab wall, hold edge, fall off and unassisted recovery
Tadpole: Movement & Exit
“I am learning to roll and swim-float-swim, and get out of the pool safely.”
Students that have completed TADPOLE goals are able to safely get from one side of the pool to the other using their back float to rest and breath along the way. Students may also get from one side of the pool to the other by using a back kick to get to the other side.
TADPOLE (Movement and Exit Strategy)
Swim-float-swim entire length of the pool (eyes in for 3 seconds, then turn to back)
Back kicks entire length of the pool
Climb out (unassisted)
Exit Strategy
Fundamental Skills
Students that have completed GUPPY, FLOUNDER, GOLDFISH goals will be swimming with reaching arms (freestyle) and rolling to their back for a breath. This is the swim-float-swim method. Students will also begin to use their back stroke arms and back kicks (backstroke) across the pool.
Bubble Levels: Fundamental Aquatic Skills
GUPPY (Fundamental Aquatic Skills)
Back Stoke (entire length of the pool)
Arms and legs moving the entire time
FLOUNDER (Fundamental Aquatic Skills)
Scoops, Kicks and Rolls (entire length of the pool); unpatterned
GOLDFISH (Fundamental Aquatic Skills)
1, 2, 3 (correct) pattern with rolls, arms, kicks and alternate breathing (entire length of the pool)
Intermediate & Advanced Skills
Students that have completed PENGUIN, JELLYFISH, LOBSTER, and TURTLE goals will be swimming freestyle with alternate side breathing and proper body positioning. They will know underwater dives, advanced kicks, and advanced backstroke.
Bubble Levels: Intermediate & Advanced Aquatic Skills
PENGUIN (Intermediate Aquatic Skills)
Dive to the bottom 4.5 feet, grab toy and swim to safety
JELLYFISH (Intermediate Aquatic Skills)
Frog Kicks (width of the pool)
Dolphin Kicks (width of the pool)
LOBSTER (Advanced Aquatic Skills)
Advanced Backstroke (1 lap/2 pool lengths)
Advanced Dive, grabbing 2 toys spaced 5+ feet apart
TURTLE (Advanced Aquatic Skills)
Beginning Freestyle (1 lap/2 pool lengths)
Side breath
Seahorse: Swim Meet
“I am ready to participate in the swim meets, even though I’m only 2 years old!”
SEAHORSE (Swim Meet Ready)
Take offs/Starts/Holds
Participate in Swim Meet ($10 to participate as part of passing Seahorse Level)
Swim Levels (Age 5 and up)
Clownfish: Water Safe
“In a water accident, I know how to save myself.”
We as parents NEVER take our eyes off our children in the pool. Students that have accomplished CLOWNFISH goals are able to keep their head above water for 5 minutes. If this child were to fall or jump into any body of water he/she would be able to come up safely. Parents need to be close by to assist this child to the edge of the pool.
CLOWNFISH (Water Safe)
Head above water for 5 minutes
Jump in and recover unassisted
Dive (assisted) to 4.5 feet, pick up toy and unassisted recovery
Streamline to wall and climb out unassisted
Stroke Development
NARWHAL (Basic Stroke Concepts)
Scoops and Kicks (entire length of the pool)
Beginner backstroke (entire length of the pool)
FROG (Stroke Concepts)
1, 2, 3 patterned arms and breathing (rest on side OR back)
Frog Kicks (entire length of the pool)
Dolphin Kicks (entire length of the pool)
Head first entry from pool deck (Knee Dive)
SHARK (Freestyle)
Freestyle (1 lap/2 pool lengths)
POLAR BEAR (Backstroke)
Backstroke (1 lap/2 pool lengths)
SQUID (Breaststroke)
Breaststroke (1 lap/2 pool lengths)
STINGRAY (Butterfly)
Butterfly (1 lap/2 pool lengths)
OCTOPUS (Treading)
Treading 5 minutes in deep end (full clothing optional)
Exit Strategy
SEAL (Diving)
DEEP END ONLY - Shallow Dives
Knee Dive from Pool Deck
Standing Dive from pool Deck
OTTER (Swim Meet Ready)
Take offs/Starts/Holds
Participate in Swim Meet (Free to participate as part of passing Otter Level)
DOLPHIN (Endurance)
Breath Control
Distance Increasing
Monitor Speed and Time