Little Fins in the Media & News


KKTV Connects: Haley Armstrong, General Manager, teaches news anchor some new skills

KKTV stopped by to join the fun, and we had a blast teaching them some new skills in the water! 🌊 Watch as our team shows Ryan Nelson the ropes, plus a friendly dive between him and one of our all-star swimmers!

KKTV Connects Asks Little Fins “How do you develop a LOVE of swimming?” just in time for Valentine’s Day

Owner, Lauri Armstrong, met with KKTV 11 to talk about how to help your children Learn to love swimming. We were excited to show off a super fun Pod lesson as well.


Little Fins Owner, Lauri Armstrong, Sat Down with Voyage Denver Magazine to Talk about Our “Hidden Gem” Swim School in Colorado Springs., and Obstacles that come when running a Family-Owned Business.

Read the entire interview here.

Voyage Denver is an online publication with a mission to build a platform that fosters collaboration and support for small businesses, independent artists and entrepreneurs, local institutions and those that make our cities and communities interesting. ”We think independent entrepreneurs, freelancers and other risk takers make our cities exciting to live in.” 

Little Fins Swim School is a Host of the World’s Largest Swim Lesson

Little Fins General Manager, Haley Armstrong, Explains what children will learn during free lessons at the World’s Largest swim lesson.

KOAA Channel 5 Caroline Peters Reports: Local company offering free swim lessons to kids this Thursday

Little Fins Owner, Lauri Armstrong, talks about water safety and why “swimming Lessons save Lives” at the World’s Largest Swim Lesson.

Fox21 News Maggie Wolanske Reports: World’s largest swimming lesson stresses water safety

Little Fins teaching water safety and survival lessons for free during the world’s largest Swim Lesson on June 22.

KKTV 11 News Aleah Burgraff Reports: Colorado Springs swim school working to break world record

Swim Safety Tips from Lauri Armstrong, Owner of Little Fins Swim School, featured on KOAA Channel 5 News

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports drowning is one of the most common causes of death for children ages 1-4 years old. Lauri Armstrong Gives us Tips on Water Safety for this Summer.

“Balance is the key to success. I did not always know this. I would push myself to the limit in almost everything I did. It has taken time, understanding, great mentors, my family, and friends to teach me the importance of balance,” says Lauri Armstrong, Owner, Little Fins Swim School.

Read the entire interview here.

ShoutOut Colorado is an online publication that focuses on small business owners and entrepreneurs who give meaningful conversation and inspiration.
Their questions focus on balance, inspiration, and community!
Check them out and support our local CO businesses!

What started as swimming lessons at Little Fins swim school, has transformed Lillie Ratican and Peyton Baker’s friendship into a lifetime.


Armstrong says that drowning is one of those things most people don’t talk a lot about, especially in Colorado because we don’t have oceans or backyard pools: "Our Colorado kids, specifically, don’t grow up knowing how to swim....we have to give them that gift.”

We were honored to be featured in the Maverick Observer earlier this year, and just realized we didn't share this yet! Check it out!

Viral Tik Tok Video of Ms. Jill with 8 Month Old Baby Oliver

Viral Tik TOK video of Ms. Jill with 8 month old baby oliver.

Viral Tik TOK video of Ms. Jill with 8 month old baby oliver.

Our own Ms. Jill went viral when mom, Krysta, shared this 7 second video on TikTok (@mom.of.2.boyss). We appreciate all of the love and support, especially as it sparked so much controversy. Here are some of the links to media about this viral video.
Follow us on TikTok @LittleFinsSwimSchool and Ms. Jill @MsJill_LittleFins

Courtesy of Krdo news channel 13

Courtesy of krysta meyer

Courtesy of krysta meyer

2019 Gazette: Little Mermaids Make a Splash


2017 FOX21: Infant Survival Swimming