Did You Know?... 10 Weird Swimmer Facts
/We thought these fun, silly and (some) serious facts were SUPER interesting, and wanted to share with you, our readers. As you know, we love swimming, and it’s no secret that swimmers bodies can do weird things.
The breaststroke goes back to the Stone Ages, but it wasn’t until 1904 when it was swam competitively at the Olympics.
Here are 10 Weird Swimmer Facts that will have you thinking differently about swimming and swimmers:
Most of the nation's population cannot swim. 50% cannot perform basic strokes.
Free-divers can hold their breath for more than 10 minutes.
The average high school swimmer swims 1 million strokes per season.
Swimmers don’t shave their bodies to look good, shaving actually increases the sensitivity of a swimmer’s skin in the water.
The oldest stroke is the breaststroke. It dates back to 2500BCE and can be seen in ancient Egyptian drawings.
Swimmers use nearly every muscle in their bodies.
Competitive or professional swimmers can flex their toes to the ground.
Swimmers sweat in the pool.
The world’s youngest international swimmer is only 10 years old.
Children can take swim lessons as early as two months old. Statistics show that drowning risks are reduced by 88% when children between the ages of one and four participated in formal swimming lessons.
There are so many fun fact, stats and information out there about swimming and swimmers.
Enroll in Swim Lessons Today
Now that you know so much more about swimming, are you ready to jump in the pool? Improve your swimming technique or learn to swim by registering at Little Fins today.
In order for swimmers to propel their bodies through the water, they must have good flexibility in their feet and ankles, which is why you see a lot of pointed toes in swimming competitions. This allows a smooth surface to be created for water to rush by, reducing drag.